Friday, April 16, 2010

TANCET 2006(Questions from Question Paper for Year 2006)

 Q1 to Q10    

 Q11 to Q20

21.In a falling ball viscometer the ball attains terminal velocities of 0.01 m/s for oil A and 0.002 m/s for oil B.Assuming that oils A and B have the same density and oil A has kinematic viscosity of 5x10-3m2/s, the kinematic viscosity of oil B in m2/s is





22. A strain gauge is attached to a bar of length 20 cm which is subjected to a tensile force . The nominal resistance of strain gauge is 100Ω. The changes in resistance and elongation in the bar measured are 0.35Ω and 0.2 mm respectively. The gauge factor of strain gauge is

A) 100

B) 2

C) 3.5

D) 10

23. A signal of maximum frequency of 10 kHz is sampled at Nyquist Rate. The time intreval between two successive samples is

A)  50µs

B) 100µs

C) 1000µs

D) 5µs

24. Small variation in speed can be achieved in induction machines by

(i) Voltage variation

(ii) Frequency Variation

(iii) Voltage variation and Frequency Variation with V/F constant

A) (i) alone is correct

B) (ii) alone is correct

C) (iii) alone is correct

D) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct

25. An R1-L (R1 and L in series) and R2-C (R2 and C in series) are connected in parallel. Then the damping co-efficient provided bythe overall circuit is given by

A) (R1 + R2) / 2 √(C/L)

B) (R1 + R2) * 2 √(L/C)

C) 2 / (R1 + R2) √(C/L)

D) 2 / (R1 + R2) √(L/C)

26. In the bode's plot of a system, the magnitude and phase of the system change by             and              at the double pole frequency

A) -3db and -45o

B) -6db and -90o

C) -9db and -135o

D) -12db and -180o

27. The loop transfer function of a system is given by K GH(s). GH(s) has two poles in the right half and GH(jw) is ploted for K = 1w varying from -∞ to ∞. Then for closed loop stability, for any K GH(jw) should encircle

A) Origin in CCW twice

B) (-1 + j 0)  in CCW twice

C) (-1/K + j 0) in CCW twice

D) Origin in CW twice

28. Given G(s)=0, an nth order polynomial with root in the right half complex plane. to determine the right most root of G(s) using R-H criterion, for a given r>0, replace s by

A) s+r

B) s-r

C) rs

D) s/r

29. A series RL circuit with R=1Ω and L=1H is supplied by DC source of 100V. The source is suddenly shorted at t=1s. Then, current in the circuit

A) Reduces from 63.2 A in the same direction

B) Reduces from 36.8 A in the same direction

C) Increases from 63.2 A in the same direction

D) Increases from 36.8 A in the same direction

30. A 3½ digit DVM has a lowest measuring range of 200mV, which implies that

A) Its best resolution is 0.1mV

B) Its acurracy is 0.05%

C) The maximum voltage that can be measured is 199.9mV

D) Its poorest resolution is 0.2m

Answer:-    21)B    22)B    23)C    24)D    25)B    26)B    27)C    28)B    29)C    30)C


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